ICN Live

ICN Live V1.0 - 2022

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About our mandate

With two decades of fruitful apostolic ministry, Dr. Shawn Smith is an ordained minister, prolific author, international preacher and theological authority in the Gospel revealed to Apostle Paul. He has the divine commission to “present the revelation of Christ Jesus, the loveliness of His Person and the Perfection of His work with excellence and clarity for the rising of the glorious Church”.

He is the Apostolic Overseer of Gospel of Christ Ministries, an ever-expanding network of churches, with an internet fellowship community of saints who follow his teachings via live stream in over 25 nations in Africa, and 100 nations in the rest of the world. His pastoral ministry feeds countless saints beyond denominational barriers, and multitudes have been reached through his book, “Jesus Christ + 0 = Everything”, distributed freely worldwide, and available in nine different languages.

Dr. Smith is the chancellor of Theosis Higher Institute, an educational organization that has a mission to reclaim the ancient apostolic and patristic vision of the cosmic and universal Lordship of Jesus Christ. He presides over Christ Commission International (CCI), investing close to a decade in training gospel ministers across the world, to minister the gospel of grace with grace. A major thrust of his ministry consists of humanitarian and philanthropic outreaches toward widows, orphans, the underprivileged, and prisoners.
He is happily married to Dr. Annie Smith, ordained minister, and his collaborator in the divine mandate. Their union is blessed with five children.

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