ICN Live

ICN Live V1.0 - 2022

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Agape Love is Therapeutic

God is love. Loving is at the very core of His being. It is His very nature, not just an aspect of His character. He ...

The Hundredfold Harvest

If you receive a gift for what it is, then, the purpose is attained. If there is no notion of receiving the one sent of ...

Discerning the Wondrous Things Prepared for Us in Christ

You will experience what you are aware of. In other words, you experience what you believe. This implies that even if what you believe is ...

Winning in Everything: As Within, So Without

We are all-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency. Although there are needs in the world and our observations often make us feel overwhelmed by these needs, it ...

Winning in everything

Our inner dispositions influence our outward world. We need to become aware of our consciousness. In our day-to-day discussions, as we carry out our activities...

True Sustenance

The Lord Jesus Christ began His Messianic ministry by teaching, preaching and healing the sick. In the depth of His being, He knew He had ...

Blessed with all blessings

The scandal of particularity is that the Source, the Author, the Creator of all things visible and invisible chooses to bless you. Everyone whom God ...

You are whole

Grace is not new; it pre-exists the cosmos. It is what God resolved to give you in Christ Jesus. It was concealed in the old ...


The picture of the “Abba” of Jesus is that of excess and not of lack. God is your source and He richly gives you everything ...

The Unfailable Promises of God

The Davidic and Abrahamic covenants are antecedents to the New Covenant. The announcement God made to Abraham was the Gospel pre-figured...

God’s supply is multidimensional

God’s supply is multidimensional; it is not based on externalities. Having a materialistic mindset of what God’s supply is will hinder you from...

The Life of God in me

Grace is the science of our union with Christ and oneness with God. In Christ, God shared Himself with mankind. God becomes what He loves ...
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